Wednesday 6 February 2013

Oysters....Fact or Fiction?

I can think of no better way of starting a meal, than with a plate of oysters. They have become a favourite of food lovers and romantics, as it's believed that eating raw oysters will increase your libido. Oysters do contain dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps to govern brain activity, and influence sexual desire in both men and women. Like all shellfish, oysters contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. They are low in calories and saturated fats and are an excellent source of protein.

Photographer: Tips

When Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love, sprang forth from the sea on an oyster shell and promptly gave birth to Eros, the word "Aphrodisiac" was born. The oysters own love life is an interesting one though. A single oyster can incubate up to one million larvae and sometimes more than once a year. Some oysters change their gender from male to female and back again to male. The most important thing to an oyster, is water. They are highly sensitive to the quality of water, as they feed on microscopic plants. Marine biotoxins can build up in their tissues, and eating shellfish with high levels of these biotoxins can lead to serious and sometimes fatal illness.

They can be kept unopened for 2 to 3 days in a cool larder, but not in the fridge as it kills them, and a dead oyster is a bad oyster. Store them deep shell downwards, covered with a damp cloth or towel, sprinkled with ice cubes and salt. When you are ready to eat them, throw out the ones that start to gape or the ones that open easily. Remember, that they should never be opened more than 20 minutes before a meal.

Serve in the deep shell in their own liquor, with a squeeze of lemon juice, a few drops of Tobasco Sauce or chilled Vodka. They can also be served with some brown bread and butter and a pot of cayenne pepper. 

They are great fun to cook at the beach, placed on foil on an open fire. Throw on some seaweed (from below the water line) for an extra smoked flavour. Cook until they pop open. Chew the oyster to release the "romantic" qualities into the body quicker.

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